Thursday 15 May 2014

Ahh finally some new star wars news. It has been a few days.
So I was just scrolling through my facebook feed board from the lack of sw news when all of the sudden. A article appears. "Star wars episode 7:Luke and leia in supporting roles?

which you can read here:,manual#!NPAif

Anyhow the just of the the news post is actually... shocking. So as you should know by now that carrie fisher, Mark hamilton and Harrison ford will be returning. So The shocking part of that is... Luke and Leia wont really be in the trilogy alot. Barely even in a full movie according to these roomers. Its saying that harrison ford or Han will be with the 3 stars of the trilogy but not Luke or Leia.

Do you think that will be better or weaker... Thats a obvious awnser...

May the force be with you guys and lets hope there will be some news tomorrow...

Monday 12 May 2014

Hello again Jedi's...
So I have not posted anything lately. Well really because there is nothing to post about (Heads up: This Post is not news) because there has not been any news coming from youtube or facebook's star wars official pages. Honestly I have not checked twitter or any of the forums yet. But it usually comes from facebook or youtube. So instead of news today im just going to talk about some things you may or may not know about star wars. But you have probably been curious about it.

So today im talking about Mace Windu. The African American Jedi with the purple lightsaber. Why does he have a purple lightsaber? your asking. Well I shall answer that for you. So there are blue, green, yellow, white and 1 black light saber in the series that are on the good side of the force. But what is Mace windu's? well his is because of the power he uses. His "Style" you could say of using the force is both light and dark side of the force, so he is using mostly light side but a bit of dark side powers, which understandably is REALLY hard to do without well...going to the dark side.
But that does not explain...Why is his purple? well as I just said. its dark and light side combined so... what are the two main colors for those sides of the force? blue for light and red for dark. What do you get when you mix those 2 colors together. Mind: Blown.
So yeah since a lot of people did not know that I thought I would share that with you guys, Thanks for reading and msg me on email - and if you want... I can do more cool facts like this?

But anyways I am doing a video on this on my new channel: TheCanadianJedi
So check it out!

I am PREDiTorT6 and may the force be with you.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

So I have some exiting news for you guys. ready...


 So yeah its official . star wars YouTube channel just released a "Book Trailer" For it. Its gonna be a graphic novel as we can see here.
The book is edited by lucasfilms, which is awesome and J.W Rinzler. there is not really much else to say.
The book will be released May 13th and I'm getting it!

AWESOME!!! May the force be with you guys and see you when the next bit of news comes out :D

Monday 5 May 2014

So, i was looking through my feed on facebook, board because there has not really been any great info on star wars today. But than BAM! i seen this post from star wars and they were sharing a post from some website called "The Daily Dot" I guess its some film related magazine or something. Here is what they posted.

Star Wars fans got a very special May the Fourth present yesterday: The first glimpse at what one of the most iconic characters in Episode VIIwill look like. Bob Iger, Chairman of Disney, posted a Chewbacca selfie on the Star Wars Instagram account yesterday, and fans have been lapping it up like a Sarlacc eats a bounty hunter.

So yeah there was the one disney guy taking a picture with CHEWBACCA! yeah guys its true, chewy is confirmed for the next star wars film :D im really happy about that guys. thats 2 unobvious characters from the star wars saga, chewy and R2. Pretty exiting. That was not the full article though. you can read the rest of it here

What Star wars character are you dying to be in the new trilogy?

May the force be with you 
So there really is not that much star wars NEWS today. just a video i didn't really cover or talk about yesterday. So this is the first thing i have really noticed Disney not really doing much for May the 4th. But anyways, there is this thing called Disney12 or D12. its some Disney fan club thing, i don't know man. But anyways there was a video about R2-D2 going to try and find some one in the D23 (Its called D23) and its weird how in the begging for R2 to get in he uses jedi mind tricks to get into the hotel? thats weird. R2 is not supposed to have jedi powers he is a droid! and than he ends up going to help people with there technology problems or whatever. than he goes to this guy in a office with star wars stuff going on. he has a blue light saber and it only shows his knees to his mouth area. but it really looks like the actor who played ben or Obi wan Kenobi in a new hope. Anyways just watch it.

May the force be with you.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Happy may 4th!

so today is may the 4th, s before anything I just want to say May the 4th be with you and tell you my story today.
So today there was this fair or some shit around and this kid came up to me with one of those giant balloon bats and tried to hit me and so I grabbed the rake I was using to rake the lawn and blocked it and than we started to fight in a star wars like fashion. than I told him to go for the legs and I jumped and I started re-acting the star was scene when lord vader cut luke's hand off, t was pretty fun...

Now onto the news...

So we seen today the extended version of the upcoming star wars show. Star wars: Rebels, so in the extended trailer we get to see that the series is premiering this fall on Disney XD. So it looks that its getter slightly more worse. one of the girls talking in it does not seem to serious, I cant say anything yet but lets hope this isn't a let down like episode 1 not being serious enough and it has the newer crappy music and some Disney looking kid so I don't know man. Does not looks like there is any retro siths coming back unfortunately.

Wait a miunite, does this mean tomorrow will be revenge of the 5th? :O {====|||]
Here is the video I did for The 1st trailer of MY upcoming show

Its not done prosessing when I post this so just here is the link

May the force be with you.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Watch the trailer here

Looks like we have the first video information for star wars since disney bought it. It seems there is a new star wars show coming out that is similar to star wars the clone wars. I don't follow the show. But this looks different. It looks alot better than the clone wars. there are storm troopers and rebels in it. obviously rebels considering "Star wars: Rebels" Is the name of it. so soon we will see a new star wars show on disney XD but it will be based on the original trilogy.

See you guys on may the 4th.

Friday 2 May 2014

After 2005 the last star wars movie came out. Revenge of the sith, after revenge of the sith came out the rest of the story just went right back to the original trilogy, So no one thought that there would be any more star wars movie out. Its still unbelievable. only 3 years earlier there were many fanboys crying daily from missing the joy and awesomness of seeing some new star wars content, other than the childish clone wars. But than in 2012 after hearing nothing great from lucasfilms for 8 years. every one was talking about that Disney bought star wars for 4.5 billion dollors. that could buy you alot of light sabers. so now finally in may, star wars may 4th just around the corner we got the information on the cast of star wars 7, lets check it out.
Oscar Issac
Andy Serkis
Domhnall Gleeson
Max Von Sydon
Harrison ford (Yes!)
Carrie Fisher
Mark Hamill
Anthony Daniels 
Peter Mayhew 
Kenny Baker

Lets hope we will get some big info on May the 4th
What would you like to know about. me personally, the name. -Cole3PO